FWQAL blocks 34, 48, 54, 55, 58

Happy Monday, everyone!

I hope you had a nice weekend. I've spent my Saturday making more Farmer's Wife blocks. My children were surprisingly happy to entertain themselves without fighting constantly and so I sewed and sewed. The result? 9 new Farmer's Wife blocks. Yay!!!

Since I have 9 new blocks, which would have made for a very long post, I decided to describe 5 of them in more detail and I'll do the other 4 tomorrow.

block #34 Flock
I really have to say, I do not enjoy cutting out and then carefully piecing together tiny triangles. Not my thing at all. I am so glad this block is out of my way. You probably noticed that I made a mistake when doing final piecing and my block ended up the mirror image of the one in the book. Oh, well. Still very happy with the way it turned out.

block # 48 Homeward Bound

I started to introduce some new colors into my  blocks. I'm re-decorating my daughters' room and the girls decided to go with Purple and Red???? color scheme. We'll see how that goes. Anyway, the quilt needed some purple since it is for my middle daughter's bed.

block #54 Kitchen Woodbox

I might make a quilt using just this block one day.

block #55 Linoleum

block #58 Mother's Dream
my favorite block this week. Just makes me happy looking at it.

Well, that was my Saturday. I can't leave this post without showing you some pictures from our Sunday outing. We went to Shedd Acquarium here in Chicago and we all had a blast. Here are some of my favorite sea creatures
 this stingray got itself stuck to the glass and stayed there for an amazingly long time just staring at passers-by

 2 really ugly fish

 tiny eels

And just a few more pictures of Jellyfish, they are just gorgeous. Did you know that jellyfish are 95% water?

Have a fantastic day,



FWQAL blocks 3, 7, 8, and 10


1" patchwork pincushion tutorial