New lunch boxes

Today was the first day of school for my kids. Oh, I can't even believe it! All 3 of them at school. It really is very quiet in the house when they are gone. But, I'm getting used to it and Lola, our cat, seems to love it. She's back to napping all day long, no interruptions. No little hands handling her, no hugs and kisses while she wants to sleep.

So, we spent most of yesterday making sure we were ready for the Big Day. School supplies - check, pencils properly sharpened - check, outfits matching their shoes - check, lunch boxes prepared to be filled in the morning - ???? Ooops, the new food containers we bought to make their lunches more earth friendly did not fit the old lunch boxes. I thought of piling them all in the car and rushing to the store, but the girls claimed they did not see any fun lunch boxes, anyway. The ones they saw before were either babyish or ugly. Go figure!

Without any delay, we raided my fabric stash and the girls chose fabric for their new lunch boxes. This is what I came up with. What do you think?

We used mostly Moda fabric (Sock monkey one has always been their favorite), and Amy Butler polka dots from her Lotus collection. I decided to use laminated fabric for the lining. It will make it much easier to clean inside of the lunchbox if something spills.

The girls were really happy with how these little guys turned out. They said their new lunch boxes were much "cooler" than the store-bought ones. Yay!!!

Leave me a message in the comment section if you'd like more information on this fun and easy project . I promise to get back to you.


WIP Wednesday 8. 24. 2011


Yay!!! I'm joining do. Good Stitches.