WIP Wednesday 8. 03. 2011

I have no finishes this week, but I have some WIPs to share today.

I started working on  a quilt for my oldest daughter. She loves color and pattern, the more the better. Just look at all the fabric she chose.

So we decided to go with Plus quilt. Here's my initial design to help me see how much fabric I needed to cut.

I managed to cut and organize all my fabric (thank you Go!Cutter, you made my life much easier)

I actually ended up using all the fabrics she chose which will make it the most colorful thing I made this far.

My second WIP is my Farmer's Wife quilt (which my middle daughter had claimed from the very beginning).

Until now I considered it to be my quilt-along project, not a WIP, but I'm ready to speed things up and get it done. I found out that I really don't like ongoing projects, they make me very anxious. I want to start and finish within reasonable time, one year is just way too long to work on something. So far I have 37 blocks done and I need 83. Phew! I have a long way to go.

I'm linking this post to WIP Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced. Stop by to see what others are working on. There are lots of wonderful projects in the making.

Have a wonderful day, Svetlana

FWQAL blocks 49, 64, 66, 68, 90, 98


FWQAL blocks 3, 7, 8, and 10