Across the Sea QAL

I've wanted to make a Greek Cross quilt for quite a while, so I was really excited when Jennifer and Sarah started this quilt-along. I had it all planned out. I was going to make a twin size quilt using Loulouthi fabric by Anna Maria Horner for the crosses and going with white (yes, once again my favorite white) for the background.This is the fabric I chose.

Of course, it did not happen the way I imagined. Right before I started cutting into my planned fabric, I changed my mind. I raided my stash for some new inspiration and look at what I ended up with.

Any thoughts? I can't believe how far I ended up from my original plan. And, to top it off, I decided to use GRAY!!! Kona for the background. AND make a baby size quilt instead of the planned twin. Talk about sticking to my plan! So, before I could change my mind once again, I cut all my fabric.
Sorry, the picture isn't so great as I took it at night.

And this is what it looks like after I pieced the quilt top. I like how it's turning out and can't wait to see this quilt finished.

What have you been working on lately? Are you part of this QAL? 

Have a wonderful day, everyone. Svetlana


Goodie Swap 2011 - part 1 (mug rug & zig zag pouch)


WIP Wednesday 8. 31. 2011