Celebrate Color - Fall inspired pillow

I love fall. After three months of heat, humidity, and mugginess I'm always ready for those crisp, cool mornings fall brings. And the colors of the leaves! Oh, the colors, they are just beautiful!

I was so excited to see an amazingly creative Rachel over at Stitched in Color launch Celebrate Color! It's a three months celebration of fall colors full of inspiration, tutorials, contests, and prizes.

My plan was to make some new pillows for my living room. I dove in, and, I WAS STUCK!!!! I had no idea using fall as inspiration would be sooooo hard for me. I realized that as much as I like fall as a season, I don't really use "fall colors" in my sewing. I love bright colors and lots and lots of white. Fall to me was more mustard yellow, saturated reds, and browns. Browns, oh browns, I just don't know how to use those colors at all.

So, I started browsing Flickr for some inspiration and I really liked this pillow . I wanted to give that circular quilting a try. I think it looks fabulous and adds so much dimension and movement to the finished project. And then I found this amazing pillow by Malka Dubrawsky.

I decided to make a very similar pillow using fabric from my stash. Out came linen (instead of the usual white cotton) in combination with orange, green, gray, and some red. I also had this 1/2 yard of Echino in my stash
and I thought it would be great for my fall color scheme.

The result? Ta - da! My new fall inspired pillow. I absolutely love how it turned out.

Look, it goes so well with its other pillow friends in my living room.

What have you been working on? Is fall inspiring you to use new colors and textures? I'd love to see what you create.

Happy sewing, Svetlana.

I'm linking this post to Celebrate Color {Home Decor}.

Across The Sea quilt finished


Goodie Swap 2011 - part 2