Frenchy handbag

I've wanted to make a new handbag for myself for a long time. Unfortunately, with all that bounty of gorgeous fabric and amazing handbag patterns I just could not make up my mind. That is, until I came across this wonderful Echino Panther fabric by Etsuko Furuya. It was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!!!

Then I discovered a handbag pattern by Amy Butler (by the way, I absolutely love all Amy's patterns) called Frenchy Bags. I thought it would make a perfect everyday bag. I decided to combine Panther Echino with Kona Cerise and I used brown webbing for the handles. This color combination is not very common in my sewing as I'm usually drawn to bright, sunny colors. But, with fall and winter coming I thought it was a good time to give more saturated, darker colors a chance. And I am so glad I did, because I adore this bag.

The pattern has two sizes available, larger one called shoulder bag and smaller one, the one I chose, a handbag.

I decided to add a zippered pocket on the inside of the bag and I also added a ribbon with swivel snap hook for my keys. I like to add it to all my bags as it saves me tons of time when I need my key fast.

I used Laurie Wisbrun's Tufted Tweets in purple for the lining. I felt kind of bad putting this gorgeous fabric on the inside but then I thought it's nice to have a pretty lining instead of just a blah! one.

So, I guess I'm ready for colder, darker days, at least when it comes to my handbag. 

I'm going to submit this bag to Celebrate Color {wearables} over at Stitched in Color. I hope you'll stop by to see all the great fall inspired projects people are submitting. 


Lunch Box Tutorial


WIP Wednesday 9. 21. 2011