My WIPs (works in progress)

Hello, happy Tuesday!!!

It's been raining for 2 days straight now and so even though I have a finished quilt to show you I have to wait to get some good pictures. In the meantime, I thought I'd share some snippets of the projects I'm working on.

I signed up for Pretty Little Pouch Swap 3 and, once again, I'm obsessing too much about what to make for my partner. I think she might like some sashiko embroidery on her pouch so I practiced  last night while watching TV. What do you think?

I also started working on a new quilt. I took a plunge and designed my own pattern.
I kind of like it, I'm just not sure if I chose the right fabric. I might have made it too busy? I did plan to give it to my mother- in- law for Christmas but after seeing it all pieced together I decided that it's going to be for my sister. I was planning to make a pouch for her, now she's getting the quilt, instead. I don't really think she'll mind, do you?

And just one more sneak peek.
This project is so much fun to work on and I hope to show you more soon.

What have you been working on lately?  Perhaps some Christmas presents, too? 



Sashiko embroidery and Pretty {Little} Pouch Swap


Lunch Box Tutorial