s.o.t.a.k handmade store is now OPEN!!!

I took a plunge today and re-opened my s.o.t.a.k handmade store on Etsy. I can't even believe I'm saying that.  I first opened it in January, put a few of my handbags up for sale, chickened out, pulled everything down, and that was it for my "selling".

I'm hoping this time around it will be a different experience. The reason I decided to give it a try again is that at this point our house is full of my handmade stuff, every bed has at least one quilt, pillows are everywhere, and I can't even count how many bags and pouches we all have. And I keep sewing, and really LOVING it. So I thought it might be a good idea to try and offset at least some of the expenses involving my ever growing stash of fabric.

I made a few Dumplings yesterday. No, don't worry, I'm still talking sewing here. I mean Dumplings - zippered pouches using Keyka Lou's tutorial. I put one in my store today and I'll be adding more hopefully every day.

Aren't they just adorable? Here's the one I listed at my store today - I love this Echino fabric.

And, to celebrate the opening of my store, I'll have some giveaways for you tomorrow so I hope you'll stop by.




Sashiko embroidery and Pretty {Little} Pouch Swap