WIP Wednesday 9. 07. 2011

Wow, what a week. It seriously felt like we skipped all the seasons and Chicago summer was back. For a few days last week we had 100 degree temperatures and humidity went through the roof. Yuck. It was so bad that my younger kids got their school cancelled on Friday (no AC throughout their school), and they ended up with a 5-day weekend. They were enjoying spending time at home and playing with their friends and I was able to work on quite a few projects. Here we go:

I finally pieced together my Across The Sea QAL quilt top. Love how it's turning out. This quilt went through so many changes, you can read all about it here.

Next, I worked on "goodies" for one of my partners for Goodie Swap. Her favorite colors are pink, red, and aqua. I'm really hoping she'll be happy with this mug rug and pouch, plus other goodies, of course.

I also made a pouch for my new cell phone.
This was the first time ever I used a flex frame. For some reason I was really scared of it. I wish I knew sooner how easy it is to install, much easier then zippers (in my opinion). And that tiny scooter in the middle? LOVE IT!!!

And last night I started quilting Sliced Coins quilt for my mom. I'm really questioning my decision to quilt using straight lines about 3/4 inch apart across the whole sashing. I'm hoping to do lots of brainstorming tonight and come up with quilting that I will love.

I'm linking this post to Lee's WIP Wednesdays at Freshly Pieced. Stop by and see what other talented quilters and sewers are working on.

Have a  wonderful day. Svetlana

Sliced Coins quilt finished


Flex frame cell phone pouch