Chicago Marathon and Echino handbag

Hello, happy Monday!

I hope you all had a very nice weekend. Mine was a lot of fun. As some of you probably know, Chicago marathon was happening on Sunday. 35,000 people running, plus countless visitors flocking into the city to supports their friends and family. AMAZING!!! My husband was one of the runners, so the kids and I went to cheer him on. Well, we actually missed seeing him running, it really is hard to spot your person among other thousands of people, but it was still so. much. fun!!!

We got to see Ryan Hall (the fastest American marathon runner) running, or should I say "flying" by.

And, since I am not a runner, but a sewer, I decided on Friday night that I needed a new handbag (just big enough to hold my camera, video camera, phone, and money) for the marathon. So, I made yet another bag, using yet another Echino panther fabric. I really can't help it. I LOVE this fabric line.

This turned out to be a perfect size of a handbag, having all the necessary pockets. I will post about it in much more detail tomorrow.

For now, I'm just going to finish this post bragging about my husband's results. He finished Chicago marathon in 3 hours and 12 minutes. It was his best time so far and he finished in 1,300th place out of 35,000 runners, not bad I say. This is us right after the race. We are both squinting in this picture since sun was shining right into our eyes. It was a beautiful, sunny day, perfect to be spent in the city with our kids.
Have a great rest of the day, Svetlana.


Echino handbag


And the winners are ....