WIP Wednesday 10. 19. 2011

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

The last couple of days were a complete waste. I spent 4 whole days!!! in bed being sick. I went through all the common ailments one by one, cold, fever, body aches, horrible headaches, now I'm just left with the hacking cough that makes me sound like a 90-year old man who smoked his whole life. Not a pretty picture, I tell you.

I do, however, have some WIPs to share with you. These are the ones I finished before Friday night when my sickness hit in full force.

Last week I came across Allison's post about farfalle quilt. It was love. at. first. sight. I HAD to make one of my own. But, since I have a gazillion projects that need to be finished, I decided to make a wall hanging. I'm hoping to use it in our new kitchen.

Speaking of my kitchen, the reno is at a standstill right now. Cabinets are pretty much in (just one more needs to be installed), our stove and refrigerator are working but we have no countertops and kitchen sink !!!! Washing the dishes was never my favorite activity. Washing the dishes, however, in our upstairs bathroom sink puts things in perspective and I'm sure I'll enjoy my kitchen sink immensely once it's installed.

My learning to crochet is going pretty well, I think. Dana is doing such a wonderful job explaining all the crochet stitches she teaches at her Crochet School. I'm quite behind, though. She has 12 lessons posted, I got to 7th yesterday. No rush, right? Here are some of the small swatches I managed to make so far.

So, that's about it from my WIPs for today. I hope following week will be more successful and productive.

Enjoy your day and keep making beautiful things.


Three Bears' Sleeping Bag by Flossie Teacakes (pattern review)


What was I thinking?