Zippy wallets and notebook covers

Happy Tuesday, friends!!

I hope you're having a wonderful day. Mine is just great - kitchen sink is getting installed, water connected, and by tonight I'll have a working dishwasher. I'm planning on doing the whole post on my kitchen reno after it's all finished.

So for now let me show you some small projects (totally unrelated to anything kitchen) I worked on over the weekend. I made these adorable zippy wallets for my girls.

These little cuties were made using Anna's tutorial. It's so wonderfully written with lots of pictures along the way, it was a breeze.  I used fabric by Aneela Hoey for both of them. Love, love, love the tiny turtles
and adorable doggies.

I've also wanted to try and make notebook covers for a while. I did not have any pattern though, so I was making it up as I went. This was the first one I made
Unfortunately I did not make it sturdy enough. I only used regular interfacing to stiffen it up a bit. That's why I stuck 2 notebooks, one in each side, to make it less flimsy. It kind of works but the girls say it's pretty weird to have 2 memo pads side by side. Oh, well!

I learned from my mistake and I used Peltex for the second one. Much better!!

While I was at it, I went ahead and made a new matching pencil pouch. You knew that was coming, right? The fabric I used is Children at Play for Michael Miller and both my daughter and I absolutely adore it.

I think they make a perfect set. 

Now your turn, what have you been working on lately?


WIP Wednesday 10. 26. 2011


Finish it up Friday