WIP Wednesday 11. 30. 2011

Can you believe it's the end of November already? Christmas is coming, and I've been BUSY!!!! The last couple of days have been crazy, busy at work, busy at home, busy sewing. So, let me show you some of my finishes. Yes, yes, it's all about finishes today. I'm really trying to reduce the amount of WIPs, they drive me nuts. Ready? Here we go!

I finished my very colorful polka dotty QAYG baby quilt (definitely my favorite finish this week).
Love how bright and happy it turned out. I will post a more detailed description with lots of pictures soon.

I also finished my 5th, and last, quilt I needed as a Christmas gift. I was a little burned out from going so fast and producing a lap or twin sized quilt almost every week, so decided to go very simple this time.

I finally made a table runner for our kitchen table - and I don't like it. Maybe it's the binding? I can't put my finger on it. Or, I just chose the wrong combination of fabrics for the blocks? I think that's probably it.
It lives on our kitchen table for now but it bugs me every time I look at it. I'm pretty sure I'll rip it apart and resew it soon. Any ideas? Oh, and that's our Gingerbread house we assembled using a Trader Joe's kit. Isn't it just so adorable?

One more finish before I go - my sewing machine cover. You can read more about it here.

Hope you all have a wonderful day.  Svetlana


Fresh sewing day {November recap}


Sewing machine cover