WIP Wednesday 1. 04. 2012

Welcome to this year's first WIP Wednesday.

I can't believe I'm going to say it, but here it goes : I ONLY HAVE 1 real, official WIP left from last year.
I made these 3 Single Girl blocks a while back. I was hoping to turn them into a table runner. However, that did not work out since it was way too long and wide. Right then I knew it was heading for my UFO pile, I just could not handle another Single Girl block, not after I was so sure that 3 was all I needed. Now that it had its time in a dark closet and I had enough time thinking about not wanting to have a UFO, I decided it's time to tackle one more block. I'm hoping to have a finished baby quilt to show you next week.

December was also my month to decide on what quilt we'd make at our Trust circle of Do. good Stitches. I got my inspiration from this quilt and this one, so I chose stacked books for our block. Here are mine two. (I know, the first one needs still needs a good ironing to get rid of wonkiness)

Can't wait for all the blocks to arrive so I can put this colorful beauty together.

I also have a few smaller finished projects I wanted to show you. First, my infinity scarf.
I jumped on the infinity scarf bandwagon and made mine using AMH voile and some flannel I had in my stash. I do love this scarf, it's very comfy, and pretty, too. I already have fabric to make a few more.

I also worked on some pouches and bags. Here are my two favorites, first the pouch
 and a purse

I had quite a few people asking me about the fabric I used for the main body of my pouch and sides for the purse. The fabric is Botanika Flourish Taupe by Paula Brass for Michael Miller. I bought it here, and right now it's on sale, so definitely a great time to buy.

Also, for you non-sewing crowds, the purse is for sale  in my etsy store.

 I'm linking this up to Lee's WIP Wednesday. Stop by and see what other talented peeps are working on.

Have a wonderful day, Svetlana.

Stars In Your Eyes


Time to jump in again