granny is so much fun!!!

Yes, I did get on the granny square bandwagon. And I'm so happy I did. When I first saw Jolene's gorgeous quilt I knew I wanted to make one.

On Friday, once again, I took out my scraps and dug in. I already had them organized by color (from working on Scrap Republic projects) so that was easy. What I was trying to be careful about was the value of fabric I was using. I knew I had to stick to similar values of fabric so my squares would not blend into each other.

I have finished 7 blocks so far ( I need 13 more), and I love them so very much. I think they look pretty, and happy, and springy.

You can find Jolene's  tutorial and measurements here. There is also a Flickr group where people show off their granny squares, too.

And this is what my design wall looked like this morning.  Lots of fun different blocks waiting for their turn at the sewing machine.

Have a wonderful rest of the day, Svetlana.


help, please!!!


applique pouches