wip wednesday 02. 22. 12

Lately my WIPs were getting the better of me. They seemed to have multiplied overnight and I still wanted to keep starting new projects. This week, however, was completely different. I showed those WIPs who the boss is!!! I did not start even one new project. I just kept chugging along from one WIP to another and it felt so wonderful to be able to check them off my mental check list. Let's start, shall we?

I finished my granny square quilt top - while doing that I realized that I really, really dislike doing the sashing. Having had all the blocks done, it felt like I was almost ready to baste and quilt. And then I spent one whole evening just matching up all the seams and attaching the sashing, pretty boring, if you ask me. Now I am just waiting for my backing fabric to arrive in the mail and then off to do some quilting, maybe even hand quilting, just like Jolene did on her gorgeous quilt.

I also finished my very first quilt for our Trust Circle of do.Good Stitches and I could not have been happier. It turned out exactly the way I was hoping, happy, bright, and oh, so colorful. You can read more about it here.

Last, but definitely not least, I finished my Single Girl quilt. This one has been in the making for months. I don't think any project ever took me as long as this quilt did. You can imagine how glad I am to have it finished. Unfortunately, it's rainy and dark, I'll have to wait until sun comes out to take some better pictures of the whole quilt.

Well, that was my week of tackling my WIPs. How was yours?

Linking this up to Lee's WIP Wednesday.


needle books


stacked books quilt