granny square quilt - finished!!!

Happy Friday, friends!!!

I am so excited to be able to show you my finished Granny Square quilt. Isn't she a beauty? Just the way I like my quilts, bright, colorful, and cheery.

It was, of course, inspired by Jolene's fantastic Granny Square quilt. I was able to use up lots of my scraps, I only had one rule for the fabric to get into this quilt - I had to love it. This was the first block I made and it still is my favorite. Adore those little owls.

I decided to use Anna Maria Horner's voile for the back of the quilt. I've heard so many great things about  voile, it was time to give it a try.

What I did not know, however, was that voile did not stick to the batting when I tried to spray baste my quilt. Noooooooooo!!!! Seriously, that was a major setback. The thing is, I am horrible at pin basting. I thought about using some other fabric for the backing, but at the end I went with the original plan and pin basted just the back of the quilt (the top was spray basted). I know, does not make much sense, right? I ended up with pins on the back side of the quilt. I wanted to hand quilt around the squares anyway, so I just took out the pins as I went. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I actually enjoyed hand quilting.

I used my trusty black and white stripe fabric to bind the quilt. I think it frames all those happy squares rather nicely.

So, there you have it. My Granny Square, all finished , washed, and dried, ready to be snuggled under. 

You can read more about the process of making this quilt here and here. How about you, did you get on the granny bandwagon, also?

Hope you have a wonderful and relaxing weekend, Svetlana.


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