new bag for my knitting

Happy Saturday, friends!!!

First, thank you so much for all the comments on my previous post about using favorite fabric instead of just staring at it. It's great to know that I'm not the only one struggling and that we can support and inspire each other to put our precious fabric to good use.

I have this very long, never ending, and always getting longer list of projects I'd like to make. One of the projects on that list has been Ayumi's lunch bag. I've wanted to make it ever since I started sewing (about 1 1/2 years ago) and the time has finally come.

I wanted it to be fun, and pretty, and happy. In the spirit of not hoarding my fabric I picked out some of my favorites from my stash and got to work. The "clothes" fabric is by  Aneela Hoey, I think it goes so well with Rashida's washi fabric. I used charcoal one for  the outside and aqua washi for the inside. I don't think I can ever get tired of red and white polka dot. This fabric makes me smile every time I look at it.

I made this bag with a very specific purpose. It's going to be my on-the-go projects bag, it's big enough to hold my knitting as well as some hand sewing project. This way I'll be ready to just grab it and go whenever we decide to go to the playground or the pool. I'm sure to get some use out of it soon as my kids' spring break is starting and we are to have another week of summer like weather. Yay!!!

I hope you have a wonderful and creative weekend. Svetlana


oh. so. scrappy patchwork tote


me? a fabric hoarder?!?!