mother's day gifts

Yesterday I got spoiled with some seriously creative handmade gifts from all 3 of my children. But, before I get to this year's Mother's Day gifts, I can't help but show you the present I got from my son 2 years ago.

Clearly, something went quite wrong as he was "taking care" of this pot of grass and other seeds. But the pride and happiness on his tiny face as he was giving it to me, ooooh!

This year I got their presents the minute they came home from school. Hope you'll bear with me as I indulge in showing my gifts off.

This is the watercolor picture my oldest daughter made for me : a super axolotl.

My middle daughter made me a book and notecards with cute fingerprints guys.

Last, but not least, a present from my son.

He is very proud of this little plant and waters it constantly. I hope this poor thing will be able to deal with all the "care" he keeps giving it.

Wishing all the moms out there a very joyful Mother's Day!!!!


baby sparkle punch


small projects quilt along {patchwork pillow}