let's get acquainted! blog hop

Hello, welcome everyone!

Today I'm excited to be a part of Let's get acquainted blog hop organized by Beth of Plum and June. She is doing an amazing job of bringing together many wonderfully talented bloggers and their readers through this blog hop.  I hope you'll stop by her blog too, as we both share this day to introduce ourselves.

So, let's get acquainted, shall we? My name is Svetlana Sotak (yes, that's where the name of my blog comes from) and I've been sewing for almost 2 years. I first started making bags and pillows and then graduated to quilts. I totally hated making my first quilt in December 2010 - let's just say I will never attempt to baste a twin sized quilt using pins. Thankfully I discovered a 505 spray for basting and my attitude towards quilts changed drastically. Now I can't stop making them. Here are some of my very favorite quilts. As you can see, I love bright colors combined with nice, crisp white fabric.

Beth suggested some fun questions, so here we go:

How long have you been quilting? about 18 months
Favorite quilting tip(s)? precision, precision, precision!!! A proper 1/4" seam can save a lot of heartache.
Favorite blogging tip(s)? Don't try to be someone else. Just be yourself, that's enough.
Favorite fabric? Oh, I have so many. Right now I'm crushing on anything and everything Denyse Schmidt.
Favorite craft book? Now, that might be even harder than choosing fabric. Books by Suzuko Koseki are some of my favorites.
Favorite children's book? The Lorax
Favorite quilting tool? rotary cutter and mat
Favorite TV show while sewing? Criminal Minds or Big Bang Theory
Binding? by hand or machine? machine
If I'd only - what you wish you knew about blogging before you started your blog? That not everyone will like everything I make all the time. And, people do unfollow blogs sometimes, that's just part of life and I had to learn how not to let it ruin my day or be too discouraging.

Today I'd like to share my tutorial for a child's backpack that was originally posted on Sew, mama, sew! blog. Please click on the link to be taken to the tutorial.

I love how easy and versatile this backpack is. I've actually made a few more of them for my children. Here's another one I made for my son (Echino is a perfect weight fabric for this backpack).

My daughters are a little older (9 and 12) so I made theirs without the front pocket. Again, Echino fabric worked great.

Please let me know if you have any questions. And, don't forget to hop on over to Beth's blog to see an amazingly fun project she has for you.

Enjoy your day. Svetlana


QAYG patchwork bag {a la 1/4 inch mark}


cupcakes pillow