this week ....

Sewing, sewing, sewing (and a lot of ripping and re-sewing) !!! That's what I've been doing last couple of days. I even tackled some of my WIPs that were sitting idly for a while.

I so love this quilt top. The pattern is Busy kid by Allison (Cluck cluck sew). It's well written with pictures to guide one along the way. But, since I decided NOT TO READ the directions I ended up spending much more time than was needed on this quilt top. I sewed blocks together in wrong order and the whole quilt looked so awfully chaotic. I had to rip and re - sew so many times.

Now that it's finished I'm really glad I persevered because I truly love how it turned out. If only I could decide how to quilt this bundle of brightness.... Oh, well, one step at a time.

Here's a little peek at another project I've been working on. Dense quilting on a wonderfully bright cotton fabric - this picture makes me so very happy.

How is your summer sewing going? Do tell!



and the winner is ....


vintage holiday quilt along {and a giveaway}