for the love of hand quilting....

I'm officially pronouncing myself to be obsessed with hand quilting. I love that special extra touch of texture and interest it gives to each and every project and, I've mentioned that before, how very calming and relaxing I find it to be.

I finished hand quilting my Irish Chain quilt over the weekend. All I need to do now is attach the binding. Yay! I usually use the machine for that but it feels very wrong to finish this quilt off on the machine after I put hours and hours into hand quilting it. 

And then, last night, I just wanted to work on something small, so I decided to make a simple pillow.

I used a picture of the quilt What a bunch of squares by Denyse Schmidt as my guide and improv pieced this pillow top. See that tiny bit of Chicoppe in one of the blocks? Oh, I so love that fabric. And when the top was finished, you know what's coming, right? Yep, I started doing some hand quilting. Told you! I'm totally hooked.

Speaking of hand quilting, do you remember this hexie pillow I made a while back? The one that started my hand sewing obsession?

I've linked it up to Ali's festival of hexagons. Hope you'll stop by and see all the wonderful hexie creations.

Have a wonderful rest of the day. Svetlana




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