what a bunch of squares

Yay! Last night I finished my "what a bunch of squares" pillow.

The design is based on a quilt by Denyse Schmidt called What a bunch of squares, so I'm calling this little guy that, too. I really enjoyed making these simple improv blocks. I did not use a ruler to cut my fabric since I wanted to keep my blocks more organic with some slight wonk here and there.

My choice of fabric was inspired by this Chicopee print. I used only a tiny bit of Chicopee in two blocks and the rest of the fabric was from my stash. I'm glad that instead of the usual Kona white I went with white linen - I love the feel of linen, I should use it more often.

Staying true to my newly found obsession, I hand quilted the pillow top. Once again, I'm totally in love with the lovely extra dimension and texture hand quilting adds to every single project.

I let Chicopee come out and play once again, this time in a much bigger dose, for the pillow backing. I made a zipper closure, my favorite, I think this kind of closure makes pillows look really nice and plump.

Do you see that purple zipper? No, I was not going for some crazy "splash of color", it was the only zipper long enough I had on hand. I'm glad I used it, though. It saved me a trip to the fabric store and no one can even tell what color the zipper, nicely hidden under that pretty Chicopee, is.

I then used this Chicopee print for the binding, and voila!!! my new, very Denyse Schmidt, pillow cover was finished!

And here it is, hanging out with its "pillow buddies" in our family room. Oh, have I ever mentioned I really love making pillows? You'd never have guessed, right?

Thanks for stopping by. Svetlana

august {recap}

