wip dilemma

So, I have a question: What do you do when you are up to your eye balls in wips but you don't feel like dealing with any of them? In fact, just seeing them out in the open is so daunting that you don't sew at all? Well, that was me last week. And on Friday I finally found a remedy - I started a NEW QUILT!!!! I know how totally unreasonable that sounds but you know what? Working on something new and completely unrelated to my old wips was totally rejuvenating and oh, so relaxing.

I pulled out my precious collection of Denyse Schmidt and text print fabrics, added Kona Sky, and decided to work on an Irish Chain quilt.

I cut, and stitched, and sorted,

and in no time at all I had this whole stack of 9 patch blocks needed for a  lap sized quilt.

Here they are, all 45 of them, on my design wall. I'm hoping to have enough time this week to cut out my Kona Sky squares and to stitch the whole quilt top together.

Are you thinking it's looking a little bit too traditional? That's what I was thinking, too. But, that's what I really love about it. I've wanted to make a traditional quilt using modern fabrics for quite a while now. And, I think this will be a perfect quilt for hand quilting, too.

So, to get back to my original dilemma of not feeling like working on my old wips, I must say this new strategy worked. By keeping my mind occupied with this new quilt for a few days (and taking all wips off my design wall so they are not staring at me) I now feel ready to tackle them once again.

And, first one on my list is this Bizzy Kid quilt top.

I'll be back soon to let you know how it all went. Have a happy day, friends. Svetlana 

 Fresh Poppy Design

bizzy kid {finished}


table runner