
Migration is the name of the pillow made by an amazingly talented Mary (Molly Flanders).

This pillow was my top choice in the second round of  X-factor pillows (used to be called MQPSwap). I talked about this swap and showed you my texty hexies pillow a while back, you can check out the post here.

I love everything Mary makes. She has such a wonderfully keen eye for combining colors and patterns, plus she does a lot of hand quilting, yum! I'm sure you can imagine how happy I was to get this beautiful pillow in the mail. I'm telling you, it's gorgeous! I so very, very much love it. The fabrics are perfect, love the addition of that solid green, and the hand quilting is simply divine.

Look, it fits right at home with all my other very colorful pillows. I'm one lucky duck for sure.

Thank you, Mary, for this beautiful pillow!

Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the day. Svetlana

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