yet another pillow....

Only this time it's for the swap. The Pillow Talk Swap (round 9) has just started and I got my partner's information as well as the inspiration mosaic a few days ago. I usually have to take some time and think what pattern or fabric would suit my partner the most. This time, however, I knew right away I wanted to make a pillow using Rita's tutorial for a butterfly block.

 I decided to use bright colors for the butterflies' wings and Madrona road text print for their bodies. I love how well this pretty, low volume polka dotty fabric compliments the whole block. I have to remember to use more of such prints instead of solids.

I now have all 16 blocks pieced and sewn together. There was a lot of cutting, and sewing, and trimming involved, but it was so well worth the effort, I hope. 

I'm thinking of doing some straight line quilting and a zipper closure, and as soon as that's done I might start working on another butterfly project for me to keep. I do love this block!!!

What have you been up to lately? 


patchwork bucket/ tote bag


shoo fly quilt {all finished}