improv love

I have yet another pillow to show you. Only this time I did not make it, it was made for me by the amazing Amber (One Shabby Chick) as part of the Pillow Talk Swap.

 I love everything Amber makes but this pillow must be my all time favorite. It has it all. Improv piecing a la Denyse Schmidt,

texty prints, beautifully unexpected pops of magenta, hot pink, and purple - what a genius idea,

and this dense straight line quilting that adds so much texture and interest to this pillow.

I loved the pillow the minute Amber added it to the swap Flickr group. Of course, I had no idea it was for me as this was a blind swap. I kept looking at it and was so amazed at how much this pillow looked like my inspiration mosaic. Good sign for sure. And, to show you what I mean, here it is.

This was definitely not an easy mosaic to work with, but Amber totally pulled it off. 

Thank you, Amber! You're a star and I'll treasure this amazing pillow forever.

And here it is, getting to know its new "pillow family".

Wishing you all a wonderful day. Svetlana

more improv piecing


simple patchwork tablecloth