works in progress

I used to be very good about finishing one project before allowing myself to start a new one. Then I found out that I prefer working on two or three projects at a time just to keep things from getting boring and tedious. Lately, however, it all spiraled out of control and I have been starting way more projects than I could possibly finish without everything piling up.

I'm thinking a list of my wips would be a good way to start tackling the backlog. Here we go.

My number one priority is finishing up this liberated baskets quilt. These beautiful springy colors and wonky baskets make me smile every time I look at my design wall (which happens a lot, btw).

I need to add a border and I sort of got stuck on that. Not sure whether to piece it from scraps of use strips of single fabric. Any suggestions?

Then there's my Marcelle Medallion. I'm so close to being done with hand quilting her. So, so close, just a few hours of watching some good TV shows and I'll be finished :)

I had a plan for these stars. Then I changed my mind and abandoned these cuties completely. I'm thinking of making a few more stars to make it at least a lap sized quilt. Chances are, though, I might just piece the ones I have and turn it into a baby quilt.

I think these Comma nine patch blocks would make a really nice wall hanging. Should be easy, right? I'll make a few more block adding some pink and blue to the mix and see where that takes me.

And then there's one more baby quilt ready for my fmq practice. Truth be told, I don't feel like doing any fmq drills right now so this quilt might stay in my unfinished pile for quite some time.

So, these are my main wips (I have quite a few pouches, bags, and pillows in the works but that doesn't count, right?). It actually feels good to see them all here as now the list does not seem as daunting as it did a while ago.

OK, off I go to get some sewing done. Hope you all have a very lovely rest of the day. Svetlana


liberated baskets {a finished quilt}


pen organizer {tutorial}