road trip case

As soon as I saw Anna's newest pattern for Road Trip Case I knew I wanted to make one right away.

 So, I purchased the pattern and since I had all the needed supplies on hand (somehow I even had clear vinyl in my stash) I got right to it and sewed the case that same day. Yes, I was very determined :)

This was my first time sewing with vinyl and the whole thing made me a little nervous. Surprisingly, though, it all went pretty smoothly and I'm sure I'll be incorporating vinyl into more of my pouches and bags now.

Aren't all these different sized pockets such a wonderful idea? I think they will be super handy to keep my cross stitch supplies nicely organized.

Speaking of cross stitch, I'm happy to say that I finally got back to my Woodland Sampler. I'm very, very behind, as you can see, but at least I started making some progress again :)

I loved making this case and I'm sure I'll be making more soon. I think it would make a great little artist case.

Thanks for reading. Svetlana

patchwork trivet {a tutorial}


pretty little tote {a tutorial}