scrap eater {a finished quilt}

I finished my Scrap Eater quilt. Fun, isn't it? And just like the name suggests I only used scraps to make this quilt top.

I used this wonderful tutorial to make my blocks (they each finished at 12" x 12") and I absolutely love that even though I used scraps of every size and color, the finished quilt still looks cohesive - well, sort of crazily cohesive but I think it works :)

Here it is during basting stage. Oh, I do love a perfectly flat, zero wrinkles, freshly basted quilt top very much indeed.

My plan at first was to do an all over spiral quilting like I did on this quilt a while back. After just a few minutes of pretty poor quilting and wrestling this beast I decided to scrap that plan and rip out all the stitches ... plan b, continuous eights to the rescue :)

My eights are about 4" tall and I was happy to see that even after washing and drying this quilt stayed pretty flat. Last time I tried this quilting pattern I made my eights smaller and a lot denser which probably caused the quilt to crinkle up more than I'd prefer.

I used this beautiful lime (and blue) giant dots Marimekko fabric for the backing. And since I live close to Crate and Barrel outlet store I bought it at an incredible sale price of $3.98 a yard !!!!

I couldn't choose just one fabric for the binding so I copied my quilting hero Amanda Jean and went scrappy. I think it adds just the right finishing touch.

The quilt finished at 72" x 72". And yes, I still have tons of scraps left over, but on that next time :)

Wishing you all a very lovely weekend. Svetlana

irish chain {in progress}


around the world blog hop