rope bowl

I came across a tutorial on how to make rope basket/ bowl on Pinterest this morning. You know what came next, right? 

I got in the car and headed to nearest hardware store to buy some cotton clothes line. Thankfully the first store I went to had the rope so before long I was setting up my old Janome sewing machine (since my trusty Juki is a straight stitch only machine) and I got to work.

I was a little wary about the whole process at first but oh-my-goodness!!! This was so much fun!
And super quick, too. 

Plus, it makes a great kitty bed. 

Funny how Kiki doesn't care a bit about her real kitty bed (which my son finds most useful for his own plays) but she'll happily stay in this rope basket :).

And, speaking of Kiki, our two months old kitten, this is what she did to my lightbox this morning. Seriously!!! As cute as she is, sometimes we feel we brought a Gremlin home :). Let's hope she'll calm down soon.

Off I go. More baskets to be made.

Wishing you all a super lovely weekend. Svetlana

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