patchwork drawstring bag

Yes, I made yet another drawstring bag :).

This time, however, I made it completely out of scraps. Each patchwork rectangle measures  2.5" x 4" (my main panels finished at 11" wide x 12.5" tall). I must say, I really, realy love rectangular patchwork these days.

Once again, I pretty much followed my free tutorial for making a simple drawstring bag with only a few adjustments like adding a layer of batting to main panels which makes for a wonderfully sturdy and chubby little bag. 

I also decided to box my corners - the pouch is 4" deep and I think it will make a great knitting bag. I totally lost count of how many knitting bags I already made for myself :). I think it's time I start knitting more.

And, of course I used striped casing for string ties. So predictable, I know :).

How is your weekend going? Hope you're having tons of fun. Svetlana

when scraps make more scraps :)


scraps giveaway winner