
For some reason I started my day feeling all grumpy and tired, totally not in a mood for anything :(. 

So I decided to take a break from things that needed my attention and made this super lovely and happy looking block using AmandaJean's pattern Trees! . You know what? This was just what I needed and things suddenly didn't seem as gloomy anymore :). I'm sure you know what I mean, right?

This block is inspired by Mary's fabulous mini. I'm thinking of making a few more trees and combining them with my sawtooth star blocks into one fun red and white Christmas quilt.

And now it's back to deadline sewing. Lots of binding to hand stitch.

Have a lovely rest of the day, friends. Svetlana

Linking up to Lee's WIP Wednesday.

scraps {a finished quilt}


sophia pouch {a new pdf pattern}