handmade sale (october 2016)

Hello everyone,

how are things? Did you have a lovely weekend? I hope you got to relax and create a bit.

I've had quite a few projects on my mind lately, but I very reasonably decided I'd better clean and organize my studio before I get consumed with yet another project :). I was quite stunned at the amount of finished itmes I found spread all around my studio, so I decided it was time for yet another Handmade Sale.

This is just a sampling of what's up for grabs. I've listed pillows, bags, quilts, and lots and lots of pouches in my etsy shop. Oh, and I listed some quilting and sewing books from my personal library as well.

This will be the last Handmade Sale this year, so I hope you'll find something you like.

Any questions? Just leave a comment below or send me an email. 

Happy shopping, friends. Svetlana


shibori pillow + custom pillow form


slim pencil case + kits