striped cats tote

I absolutely love this time of the year. I love all the hustle and bustle of preparation for Thanksgiving and then Christmas (oh, I do love Christmas so very much), and two of my children were born in November which makes this month extra, extra special. But, I also feel like a hamster in its wheel. Running at neck breaking speed yet feeling like I'm not getting anywhere, or many times even falling more behind. Gah!!! Totally frustrating!

I managed to do a bit of sewing the other day though. And it totally helped with my mood :). So I decided to try and squeeze in a bit of  "sanity saving sewing" into most of my days.

I usually make a bag, a pouch, or a pillow. Nothing too huge and time consuming.

This little tote bag was one of those super quick, super satisfying projects. I made it for my son's friend. It was her birthday and she likes cats, so he very carefully went through my stash choosing the best cat print he could find.  He chose well, I must say. I love these Cotton and Steel striped cats.

He also chose these Cloud 9 owls (from Joann) for the lining. I thought it was a bit too much and wanted to steer him towards a plain lining but he insisted they were too cute not to be included :). Oh, well! 

Once the bag was finished he was super happy with the way it turned out. And so was his friend. I'm totally calling this a very successful collaboration.

Wishing you all a happy day. 



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