a christmas mini

Yesterday afternoon, completely on a whim, I started a Christmas mini quilt. Well, I actually didn't know it would turn into a mini quilt at a time. All I wanted to do is make a few mini tree blocks using Amanda Jean's pattern, beyond that I had no plan.

I made three blocks using red solid fabric from my stash (probably some Kona, not sure though) and a few different white-ish fabrics for the background. I do love this fabric combination a lot, I used it in my Christmas quilt last year and it felt wonderful to revisit it again.

At first I was leaning towards making blocks into a long, skinny pillow cover. As I was adding fabric to frame the blocks though, I realized it would make a lovely mini quilt. Strange, I must say, as I usually prefer pillows over mini quilts, but I went with my instinct and I'm so glad I did.

And, I hand quilted it, of course. I'm still obsessed with hand quilting, resistance is completely futile :).

I used this super, super adorable Christmas fabric for the backing. Which sort of doesn't make sense since no one will see it, but I loved the idea of using pretty fabric for the backing and knowing there are adorable gnomes hiding behind those trees makes me happy every time I look at this mini.

And, just for comparison, here's my mini next to last year's Christmas quilt (you can buy Trees! pattern in both sizes here).

finished size: 14" x 17.5" 
batting: Warm and White
thread for quilting: Clark bold hand quilting thread in white 

Thanks for reading, friends. Svetlana

2016 { looking back }


improv strip placemats