range backpack

You guys, I made a backpack!!!  And I absolutely, positively love it  :). 

I've wanted to either buy or sew a waxed canvas backpack for ages now but never seemed to come across just the right one. And then Anna (noodlehead) published her newest pattern for Range Backpack and I knew I had to drop everything and start making it right away.

I used waxed canvas (purchased here) for the exterior and Essex linen for the lining. I think this fabric combo gives the finished backpack just the right firmness without being too stiff.

And, since I'm sort of obsessed with rivets I added them to my straps and front closure. 

I love how this backpack turned out and while it wasn't the easiest bag to sew, it was definitely worth all the extra effort. I already wore it to our trip to Chicago and loved using it.

So, if you're ever in a mood to sew up a super fabulous backpack for yourself, I highly recommend you give this pattern a try. You won't be disappointed.

Off I go, one more day of summer break left and then it's back to school for all three of my kids. I'm actually kind of excited to get back to a regular schedule and routine :)

Wishing you all a lovely and productive day. Svetlana


simple stripes (finished quilt)


devon pouch in hills and valleys