visible mending

Do you mend your clothes? I must admit, I used to see clothes mending as something only poor people had to do because they couldn't afford new clothes. I know, pretty bad attitude for sure, especially since this kind of thinking adds to all the unnecessary waste we produce.

Thankfully though over the last few months I started seeing mending as something not just useful and good for the environment, but also a way to make one's wardrobe more fun and unique. Have you heard of visible mending? I found it super, super inspiring and decided to try it out on a pair of older jeans I was ready to retire :)

I love the way my newly mended jeans look and have been wearing them a lot. I even got some comments from my daughter's friends on how cool my jeans are :)

In case you wonder how I did my mending, here's a quick description. I cut a piece of thin denim and turned the raw edges in to form a patch. I pinned the patch through one layer of jeans and went ahead to attach it using sashiko thread and a simple running stitch. No marking or any serious measuring was needed,  I just eyeballed it all and kept stitching until the whole patch was secured.

Pretty simple, right? I can't wait to start on my next pair of jeans soon.

So tell me. Do you mend your clothes? Any techniques you'd recommend? or articles? I'd love to know.

Hope you have a happy and creative day friends. Svetlana


zoe handbag (new pdf pattern)


my craftsy class, yay !!!