beeswax food wrap

A while back I talked about my effort to reduce the amount of paper and plastic our family uses in the kitchen. I'm happy to say we've all been pretty good about using fabric napkins and un-paper towels which is just wonderful. 

So I decided to take things a bit farther and give beeswax food wraps a try. I scoured the internet for tips and tutorials on what to do and not do, purchased all my supplies, and got to work.

I was super excited about this project and imagined myself making tons and tons of wraps. And then I started making some (I used the oven method), and quickly realized this just wasn't for me :( as I found the whole process too messy and a bit stressful. I did, however, finish a few wraps but I don't think I did it right and pieces of wax were sort of peeling off when I folded the wrap, ooops.

Now, this was definitely not my shiniest moment and, to my family's delight, I ended up throwing the finished wraps in the trash. I am, however, super happy I gave it a try. Because how would I know I didn't like making beeswax food wraps if I didn't try it first, right?

So here's to trying new things, and to failing as well. Because it's all part of the process :)

Wishing you all a happy and creative rest of the weekend. Svetlana


lola pouch (pattern update + discount)


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