Christmas sewing

Hello lovelies,

are you doing any Christmas sewing this year? I want to make tons of presents for family and friends but as far as decorations go I decided to use mostly what we already have (since we do have plenty), and focus on just a few small projects to add a bit more Christmas spirit throughout our home.

I made these Grinch pillow covers for my kids and I just love how cheery they turned out. Funny, I'm using Grinch and cheery in one sentence :). I purchased this lovely fabric last year at Joann's thinking it would make a great backing for a new Christmas quilt, but I don't really see myself making one any time soon so I decided to just cut into the fabric and put to use.

I'm hoping to find enough time (and motivation) to whip up this sweet little bunting in black and white colors in the next few days, fingers crossed :)

You can find a free tutorial for the bunting here.

And, if by some miracle, I still have time to spare I'm thinking of re-visiting Amanda Jean's (crazy mom quilts) fabulous Trees! and Mini Trees! patterns.

Wishing you all a happy and creative weekend. Svetlana


a bit of screen printing


Slim Pencil Case (free tutorial)