Chubby Tote Bag (free video tutorial)


Hello lovely makers, I hope your week is off to a good start.

A little while ago I designed this wonderfully roomy, easy to sew Chubby Tote Bag for my YouTube channel and ever since then I've loved using these cuties as my shopping bags. They are just the right size to put your groceries in but not so large that you struggle to carry them 😂. 

FINISHED SIZE: 11'' wide on bottom X 11'' tall X 6'' deep

When I first designed these totes I used leather handles as I really love the classy look they add to pretty much any bag. But, I like options, so I tried to make some Chubby Totes with fabric handles and I love this all washable version equally as much.

I used canvas and cotton/linen prints for both the exterior and the lining of this bag and I added a layer of Pellon SF101 interfacing to my exterior panels which makes for a soft, but sturdy bag.

I think I'm going to make a few in Merchant and Mills dry oilskin next. Or maybe in waxed canvas? Oh, the possibilities 😀😀. I have to raid my stash to see what I have on hand.

I hope you'll enjoy making (and using) these cuties as much as I do.

Click here for a link to a free Chubby Tote Bag tutorial.

And here for a tutorial on how to make your own Fabric Handles.

Happy sewing, friends!



Quick and Easy French Seams Tote Bag


Portland Tote (tester versions)