Some overdue pictures

Hello friends,

it's a very cold and windy day, but no rain (finally), so I decided to get my 6 year old to come out with me and take some pictures. Yes, no school for us today, it's a parent-teacher conferences day and by 10 am this morning I was done with all three of mine. Yay!!! We are ready to start our 4 day weekend.
I can finally show you the whole AMH quilt.

I did some simple quilting along the seam lines.
Sorry for the crooked picture, I'll have to explain to my son to hold the camera straight next time.

I also finished my Easy Raw Edge Drunkards' Path quilt top (I keep changing its name all the time).

Told you it was windy.

Have a great day, Svetlana.

Cheater Drunkards' Path Quilt finished


WIP Wednesday 11. 09. 2011