WIP Wednesday 11. 09. 2011

Why is it that no matter how much sewing I do it seems like the amount of my WIPs is not getting smaller? I keep starting new projects at a faster rate than finishing and so my WIP pile seems  to grow and grow.

The main project I've been working on  this week is what I started calling "My version of Drunkards' path" quilt. I am using Ruby fabric collection in flannel and can't wait for the quilt to be finished so we can snuggle under it and watch a movie. I finished piecing the top last night so I have no good pictures to show you right now.

These are my 49 blocks that I sewed together to make a beautiful, colorful, and very soft quilt top.

I also finally finished basting and quilting my Anna Maria Horner quilt.

The rest of my WIPs are pretty much what they were before, and it looks like they'll stay that way for a while, since my mind is racing to figure out what Christmas presents to make. What have you been working on lately?



Some overdue pictures


Ruby flannel quilt blocks