Scrap Attack

Happy Monday, everyone!

I hope you all had a great weekend. Ours was a lot of fun, we got 8" of snow that kept the kids entertained and I was, once again, playing with my scraps. This time I decided to bring out my GoCutter! and I cut out lots of HSTs, 2.5" squares, 4.5" squares, and 5"squares.

I have to say, though, I had no specific purpose in mind for any of these pretty stacks. I just kept cutting, it felt so good to see my messy scraps getting organized. I decided to use some of the 2.5" squares and start a new baby quilt. It's totally inspired copied from this quilt.

Oh,  and I finally made myself a small design wall so it was a lot easier to organize my squares without worrying about our cat or the kids messing it all up.

I love this color combo. Here it is, this time after it was all sewn together.

This is how far I got before it got way too dark for me to take any decent pictures. I'll show you more soon.

Before I go, I have to share a picture of what kept my kids, and husband busy. They built an igloo of sorts in the pile of snow. They absolutely LOVE it and spent hours playing there. And, yes, it has 2 entrances and a circle roundabout in the middle. Really cool.

Have a wonderful day, Svetlana.

Scrappy patchwork baby boy quilt finished


Trying to get my mojo back