Trying to get my mojo back

It was a really strange couple of days. I have a long list of projects I should work on, projects I really want to get my hands on - I know I will enjoy them a lot once I start. With that said, guess how much I accomplished this week. NOTHING!!! Seriously, big fat nothing. I kept spending my evenings moving piles of fabric from one place to another, deciding on what to tackle first, until it was too late and I went to bed exhausted with nothing to show for all that time.

Here's what I decided to do last night. Organize my fabric stash, make it leaner, and neater to make it work better for me. I listed some of that fabric in my Etsy store and I'm really hoping that having a better organized stash will help me get out of my funk and get my sewing mojo back. Does that ever happen to you? What do you do when it does?

So, previous two paragraphs were written Thursday afternoon, now I'm back much, much later Thursday night, to say  Yay!!! for stash organization. It seems to have helped. I spent the afternoon and evening sewing and, unlike previous days, I have finished products. Want to see?

I'll start with my favorite, a very scrappy and adorable bunting. I made those "flags" thinking I might use them for a pillow, or a bag, but when they were all finished I thought bunting was the way to go.

I also made a wonderfully soft Infinity scarf. I used AMH voile on one side and flannel on the other, I love this combination.

Last, but not least, is this tote. As I was going through my stash I found this long forgotten chicken fabric - it was time to either turn it into something useful or let the fabric go.

Not bad for one day's work, right? I will still be putting more fabric in my store later today, if you're interested.

Have a wonderful weekend, Svetlana.

I'm linking this post to AmandaJean's Finish it up Friday.

Scrap Attack


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