wip wednesday {05. 09. 2012}

As far as sewing goes, it's been pretty quiet around here. Not many finishes, just slowly plugging away at my WIPs.

I'm more than half way done with my string blocks. They are quite time consuming, so I only make a few at a time and then move on to something else.

I also worked a little on my crazy HSTs. Surprisingly, I'm not sick of them yet. I managed to trim all the blocks I made so far and pieced 4 smaller blocks to make bigger, 11" x 11" blocks. I am so winging it with this quilt. I'm being very random with colors - the only rule is not to place the same color right next to each other, everything else goes.

And, since I needed something small to work on just so I'd feel like I did accomplish something, I made this 2.5" patchwork. I had all my squares already cut out so this whole 16" x 16" square came together in no time. I think it's going to make a really fun pillow cover.

Well, that's my week of WIPs. How was yours?

Linking up to  WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

small projects quilt along {patchwork pillow}


scrappy armrest pincushion