a very slooow progress

I have not been in a mood for quilting lately. I've been pumping up quilt after quilt for more than a year now and I think the time has come to take it easy a little bit.

As much as I love the quilt I'm working on now, I seem to be doing a lot more admiring of finished blocks than the actual sewing. I've only added 3 new blocks in the past week. Pretty sad, I know. 9 blocks down, 16 more to go.

June is my month at Trust Circle of do. good Stitches. I asked for blue log cabin blocks with one "jewel" fabric of different color in the middle. Here are my two blocks.

I did, however, give something new a try. Here's a sneak peak.

I'll be back with more tomorrow. Have a wonderful day, friends.


WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

cute, cute, cute, and even cuter

