catching up

do you remember this stack of fabric?

Yeah, this is what I was planning to cut into for my Vintage Holiday quilt along. We're on the third week of the quilt along and neatly stacked fabric and unopened pattern was all I had to show for.

I was quite tempted to just put it aside and "get to it later", which as we all know, might never come. I'm happy to say that no putting aside happened, I cut, and sewed, and pressed instead, and I ended up with these six blocks. I'm actually all caught up with the quilt along schedule, yay!

You've probably noticed that I did not use many of the fabrics I had in my stack. I completely eliminated yellow and replaced some of the blues and greens. You see, the way I always work is I cut my fabric as I go. This way, I decide on the fabric one block at a time. It's more time consuming and messy, for sure, but I'm able to come up with more cohesive blocks this way. At least I hope so.

I do like the way this festive quilt is turning out and hope to make some more blocks soon. Maybe even keeping up with the quilt along? That would be nice.

Thanks for stopping by. Svetlana

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