fabric buckets detour

I've had some fun, scrappy fabric buckets on my mental to-do list for a long time, ever since I came across these. And then Chase posted a tutorial for her fantastic scrappy buckets. Well, that was it. I knew I could resist no longer, the buckets HAD TO be made, asap!!!

I pulled out yellow, aqua, green, white, and gray/ black fabric from my stash, cut way too many 3" squares, and made this bucket. It's a pretty big bucket - the bottom is 10" in diameter and it's 7" tall. I think it's destined to hold some of my most precious scraps. We'll see.

Then I made this skinny, tall, all pretty and girly bucket using some of the leftover fabric from my previous projects.

Now that I got fabric buckets out of my system, I can happily get back to my wips patiently waiting for some love and attention. 

See? Lots of random blocks that would like to become finished projects, plus my Christmas and Irish Chain quilts. OK, I'm off to get some sewing done. 

Thanks for stopping by. Svetlana


planning and plotting


catching up