new jenna

The other day, as I was reading Anna's post on her newest Mesa Maker's Tote she rescued from her "not quite right prototype" pile, I was suddenly inspired to pick up my very first prototype of Jenna Tote and rework the areas I didn't like. Which actually wasn't too many, but it did mean swapping bright webbing handles for leather ones and re-cutting and re-swing the areas around zipper.

It's slightly smaller than my final version of this tote, but I absolutely love how adorably chunky this one turned out.

 My favorite feature of this tote is its zipper closure. I love how it makes the tote become sort of square-ish when full.

Oh, and it definitely feels great to have a lovely tote bag instead of adding to my ever growing not-quite-right prototype pile. Thanks for the inspiration, Anna.

Hope you're having a fantastic day. Svetlana

napkins and pjs


purse organizer {new pdf pattern}